Oscar Mayer Logo

Looking For A Wienermobile Near You?

With six different hot dogs on wheels driving around the country at all times, you can use this map to find where the closest Wienermobile is to you!

Enter Street Address, City, or State

{{ geolocationMessage }}

The Wienermobile tours year-round. Our schedule is published on a rolling two months with
addresses and times updated two weeks prior to each event.

{{ selectedEvent.city}}, {{ selectedEvent.state }} - {{ selectedEvent.name }}
{{ selectedEvent.address }}
{{ selectedEvent.start | moment("ddd, MMM D YYYY") }}
{{ selectedEvent.start | moment('h:mm a') }} - {{ selectedEvent.end | moment('h:mm a') }}

{{ event.start | moment('MMM D') }}

{{ event.start | moment('h:mm a') }} - {{ event.end | moment('h:mm a') }}

{{ event.city }}, {{ event.state }} - {{ event.name }}

Please check back for event details two weeks prior to event date.

{{ event.name }}

{{ event.address }}

{{ event.city}}, {{ event.state }}

+ -
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